Le cronistorie: LA SAGA DEL RIM – Prima parte: John Grimes novels di A. Bertram Chandler

Ferdinando TemporinKen Barr, Road to the RimQualche tempo fa avevo iniziato a compilare l’elenco dei romanzi e racconti di A. Bertram Chandler, quelli inerenti la saga del Rim. Mi sono trovato subito in difficoltà perché moltissimi siti davano le notizie in modo contradditorio e confusionario, mischiavano racconti e romanzi di epoche diverse, anche se il tutto apparteneva ad un’unica lunghissima saga: quella di John Grimes del Servizio di Sorveglianza della Federazione. Finalmente sono riuscito a trovarne uno che dava la corretta appartenenza alle diverse età del nostro personaggio. Ho pertanto deciso di seguire quelle sequenze storiche per presentarvi una cronistoria completa e dettagliata.

Noterete che alcune date non sono in ordine cronologico, questo perché alcuni racconti sono inseriti in collections, e ho preferito seguire le sequenze storiche piuttosto che le date di pubblicazione.

Mi dispiace che molte informazioni siano solamente in inglese, ma le opere tradotte in italiano sono state pochissime.

Data la lunghezza, la cronistoria viene divisa in due parti composti da quattro specifici capitoli: (In questa prima parte i primi tre capitoli segnati in rosso) La seconda parte la trovate QUI

1 – The Early Grimes.

2 – The Middle Grimes.

3 – The Late Grimes.

4 – Rimworlds e The Empress Irene, osservazioni e note finali.

Eccovi la prima parte:

 The Rim. The Early Grimes

Lieutenant John Grimes of the Federation Survey Service: fresh out of the Academy, and as green as they come.

John Grimes: Survey Service

1 – The Road to the Rim – Novel: Ace Books (Ace Double #H-29), November 1967; $0.50;

pg. 137+117.

Il libro aveva due romanzi di due autori diversi, che si leggevano capovolgendo il libro. Il

secondo romanzo è ‘The Lost Millennium’ di Walt e Leigh Richmond.

In origine era stato pubblicato in due puntate:
1/1 – “The Road to the Rim” (Part 1) – If, April 1967; Galaxy Publishing Corp. $0.50; pg 164.
1/2 – “The Road to the Rim” (Part 2) – If, May 1967; Galaxy Publishing Corp. $0.50; pg. 164.

Tradotto in Tedesco, Giapponese, Francese, Russo, Cecoslovacco, Portoghese e Italiano.

Le Vie della Frontiera – Urania n. 499, 20 Ottobre 1968. Urania Biblioteca n. 4, Le vie della Frontiera, Settembre 1979.

The road to the rimWOFIFAPR1967WOFIFMAY1967ubib4

I mondi di frontiera sono quelli all’estremo limite della Galassia ed è di li che viene la bionda commissaria di bordo del mercantile interstellare Delta Orionis. L’aspirante John Grimes invece, ufficiale di prima nomina nel Corpo di Sorveglianza Spaziale arriva dritto dall’Accademia e non è mai stato più lontano di Saturno. Per lui le vie della frontiera cominceranno tra le braccia della piccante commissaria. Poi risuonerà la sirena d’allarme.

Da Urania Biblioteca: Le storie della Frontiera di A. Bertram Chandler si svolgono ai confini della nostra galassia e costituiscono uno dei maggiori e più articolati cicli della grande fantascienza d’avventura. Nei primi tre romanzi di questa quadrilogia seguiamo la carriera del Comandante John Grimes dal giorno in cui s’imbarca per la prima volta su una nave interstellare, a quando, diventato una figura quasi leggendaria nel Corpo di Sorveglianza Spaziale, comincia a pensare di tornarsene a casa. (Ma se le vie della Frontiera sono pericolose, ancora più incerte sono quelle del ritorno…) Poi l’azione si sposta in regioni ancora più remote: agli estremi limiti della Spirale, dove il buio è interrotto solo di tanto in tanto da qualche stella solitaria, e le astronavi viaggiano a volte per mesi senza incontrare un solo pianeta. Laggiù quattro irregolari dello spazio, quattro desperados finiti nella Compagnia Trasporti di Frontiera, realizzano un loro vecchio sogno: comprare una vecchia e scassata astronave stellare, rimetterla in efficienza, e…

2 – To Prime the Pump – Novel: Curtis Book, 1971; #502-07116; $0.75; pg. 157.

Tradotto in Tedesco, Giapponese e Cecoslovacco ma non in Italiano.


El Dorado is a planet with a problem, the men are infertile and the woman are getting out of hand. It’s up to John Grimes to save them from deadly peril.

3 – The Hard Way UpCollection: Ace Books (Ace Double #31755), October 1972; $0.95;

pg. 62+116.

Volume doppio, si legge capovolto; il secondo romanzo ‘The Veiled World’ è di Robert Lory.

Tradotto in Tedesco, Russo, Giapponese. Della collezione sono stati tradotti in Italiano

solamente due racconti. 

Nomination al Premio Ditmar (Australia) del 1972, categoria racconti.


L’ultima cover è quella della mia collezione.

The Federation’s Survey Service Cruiser Pathfinder returned to Lindisfarne Base, and Lieutenant Grimes was one of the officers who was paid off there. He was glad to leave the ship; he had not gotten on at all well with Captain Tolliver. Yet he was far from happy. What was going to happen to him?

Questi sono i racconti:

3/1 – “With Good Intentions” Shortfiction: Prima pubblicazione in questa edizione.

La cover è la prima sopra a sinistra.

Pathfinder was not a happy ship.
Pathfinder’s Captain was not a happy man, and made this glaringly obvious.
Young Lieutenant Grimes, newly appointed to the Survey Service cruiser, was also far from happy. During is few years in Space he had served under strict commanding officers as well as easy going ones, but never under one like Captain Tolliver.


3/2 – “The Subtracter” – aka “The Minus Effect – Shortfiction: Galaxy Magazine, August

1969; ed. Ejler Jakobsson; Universal Publishing & Distributing Corporation; $0.60;

pg. 164.


The human equation as worked out by the Department of Socio-Economic Science required a sinister correction by The Subtracter.


3/3 – “The Tin Messiah” – aka: The Soul Machine; Shortfiction: Galaxy Magazine, October

1969; ed. Ejler Jakobsson; Universal Publishing & Distributing Corporation; $0.60; pg.164.

L’anima della macchina Il meglio di Galaxy n.1 – Tascabili Mursia, del Gennaio 1980.


Lieutenant Grimes was caught in a war of psyches, neither of them his own – or human…

“I’m afraid, Lieutenant,” said Commodore Damien, “that your passenger, this trip, won’t be able to help out in the galley.” “As long as he’s not another assassin, he’ll do me,” said Grimes.
“But I’ve found, sir, that anybody who likes to eat also likes now, and again, to prepare his own favorite dishes . . .”


3/4 – “The Sleeping Beauty” – Shortfiction: Galaxy Magazine, February 1970; ed. Ejler

Jakobsson; Universal Publishing & Distributing Corporation; $0.60; pg. 164.


She was young and beautiful and demanding – demanding a love Grimes could never give!


3/5 – “The Wandering Buoy”Shortfiction: Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, September

1970; ed. John W. Campbell; Condé Nast Publications, Inc.; $0.60; pg. 180.


Action – even enormously sophisticated – do not reveal the motivation that led to them. And even actions can be hair-raisingly mysterious.


3/6 – “The Mountain Movers”Shortfiction: March 1971; Galaxy Magazine; ed. Ejler

Jakobsson; UPD Publishing Corporation; $0.75; pg. 196.

I sollevatori di montagne Urania Millemondi Estate 1988, n. 33 racconto n.2, del

Giugno 1988.


Faith moves men and mountains-but sometimes with a bit of an assistance..


3/7 – “What You Know” Shortfiction: Galaxy Magazine, January 1971; ed. Ejler Jakobsson;

UPD Publishing Corporation; $0.60; pg. 164.


Whom you know is important. What you know is vital. But what you know about whom can be dynamite!

4 – The Broken Cycle – Novel: February 1975, ed. Robert Hale; ISBN 0-7091-4592-6; £2.10; pg.


Tradotto in Tedesco e Giapponese. Niente in Italiano anche se un sito cita una pubblicazione su

Urania del 1975 (non viene specificato il numero), cosa che non risulta da nessuna parte su

Uraniamania (sito per eccellenza delle opere di Urania).


Being lost in space was no new experience to John Grimes, whose career as an interstellar officer had brought him into many such dilemmas. But being lost inside a colossal alien spacecraft had no precedent.
Complicating the matter was the discovery that the very universe was not their own but an alternate and that their captor seemed to be the omnipotent force of that entire other cosmos.
As Grime’s only companion was the comely policewoman, Una Freeman, the fate that the Alien God selected for them required the creation of a Garden of Eden. But there were two serpents in this one – both of them bicycles!
It’s a weird, wild romp in space-time – one of the most surprising adventures of the man that has been called the Horatio Hornblower of Space.

5 – False Fatherland – Novel: 1968; Horwitz PB374, (Australia); $0.65; pg. 161.

aka: Spartan Planet, April 1969; Dell; #08174; $0.50; pg. 156.

Romanzo apparso in due volte:
5/1 – “Spartan Planet” (Part 1), March 1968.
5/2 – “Spartan Planet” (Part 2), May 1968.

Vincitore del Premio Ditmar (Australia) del 1969 come miglior romanzo.

Tradotto in Tedesco, Russo, Giapponese e Portoghese. Niente in Italiano.


John Grimes arrives on the forgotten planet Sparta, where a birth machine produces on men generation after generation. The strangely shaped ‘men’ on his ship have a catastrophic effect.

6 – The Inheritors –Novel: Ace Books (Ace Double #37062), June 1972; $0.95; pg. 129+138.

Volume doppio, si legge capovolto. Il secondo romanzo è The gateway to Never che in questa

cronistoria fa parte di ‘The Late Grimes’. Tradotto in Tedesco, Russo, Giapponese e, una volta

tanto, pure in Italiano.

I Coloni di Morrow – Urania n. 637 del 3 Febbraio 1974; Urania Biblioteca n. 4, Le vie della

Frontiera, Settembre 1979.


John Grimes tackles the slave trade on a lost world with some very feline like inhabitants.

Nel corso della Seconda Espansione, quando l’Uomo non aveva ancora imparato a dominare le velocità maggiori della luce, molte astronavi si persero ai remoti confini della Galassia; e i loro equipaggi, atterrando su pianeti sconosciuti, fondarono colonie che restarono per secoli e secoli ignote al resto dell’umanità. Ancora oggi accade perciò che astronavi mercantili, o della Flotta da Guerra, o del Servizio di Esplorazione Spaziale, scoprano una di quelle “Colonie Perdute” e si trovino di fronte a problemi umani (o sovrumani… o sub-umani…) di soluzione particolarmente difficile. Ma il ben noto comandante John Grimes una soluzione finisce per trovarla sempre: contro tutti e – a volte – contro tutte…

7 – The Big Black Mark – Novel: DAW Books (DAW Collectors #139), February 1975;

#UY1157; $1.25; pg. 224.

Vincitore del Premio Ditmar (Australia) del 1975 come miglior romanzo.

Tradotto in Tedesco e Giapponese. Niente in Italiano.


A pivotal time in the career of John Grimes. A fateful journey in the vessel Discovery, bearing an uncanny kinship to the legendary vessel the Bounty. The big black mark on his service record.


The Middle Grimes

John Grimes: Far Traveller Couriers.

Out of work after a mutiny John Grimes becomes a Star Courier. And that was when he became a god!

1 – The Far Traveller – Novel: December 1977; ed. Robert Hale (Hale SF); ISBN 0-7091-6435-1;

£3.75; pg, 188.

The Far Traveller was a rich woman’s toy constructed of gold and directed by an omniscient, dictorial and feminine computer known as Big Sister. John Grimes had become the vessels captain and sets off to look for lost space colonies.

La Collection è stata tradotta in Tedesco, Giapponese. In Italiano solamente il romanzo.

Il comandante del Far Traveler Urania n. 822 del 10 Febbraio 1980 (sul Catalogo Vegetti lo

trovate come Il Comandante del Far-Traveller).

In Millemondi Estate n.1 del giugno 1997: Il pianeta del tesoro.


Non c’è nemmeno una descrizione del romanzo in italiano. Tutte quelle trovate su internet fanno riferimento ai precedenti romanzi del Comandante Grimes. Pertanto l’unica valida è quella in inglese, sotto il titolo principale.

La prima pubblicazione, quella che poi è stata inserita nella collection, è presentata qui sotto.

1/1 – The Far Traveller – Shortfiction: Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, August 1976; ed.

Ben Bova; Condé Nast Publications, Inc.; $1.00; pg. 180.


This is a John Grimes story which is also included in the book of the same name.
Commander Grimes was at the eye of a storm; meaning that no matter which way he moved…


1/2 – The Long Fall – Shortfiction: Amazing Stories, July 1979; ed,. Ted White; Ultimate

Publishing Co. Inc.; $1.00; pg. 134.


How could a planetary colony based on religious ideals have regressed to primitive squalor – What caused “The Long Fall” ?


1/3 – The Sleeping Beast – Shortfiction: Amazing Stories, January 1978; ed,. Ted White;

Ultimate Publishing Co. Inc.; $1.00; pg. 134.


Fresh from “The Long Fall” Captain Grimes and the Baroness – and Big Sister -are back and confronted by a new problem – “The Sleeping Beasts”


1/4 – Journey’s End – Shortfiction: Amazing Stories, February 1979; ed,. Ted White; Ultimate

Publishing Co. Inc.; $1.25; pg. 142.


In “The Sleeping Beasts” (January 1978), Captain Grimes, the Baroness and Big Sister encounter Brardur – a sentinent alien spaceship – and in self preservation destroyed it/him. Now Big Sister picks up the pieces and takes her passengers to – Journey’s End

2 – Star Courier – Novel: March 1977; DAW Books (DAW Collectors #234); $1.25; pg.142;

ISBN 0-87997-292-0

Tradotto in Tedesco e Giapponese.


Out of work after a mutiny John Grimes becomes a Star Courier. And that was when he became a god!

3 – To Keep the Ship – Novel: June 1978; DAW Books (DAW Collectors #295); $1.75;

pg. 175; ISBN 0-87997-292-0

Tradotto in Tedesco e Giapponese.

Nomination per il Premio Ditmar 1979: Best Australian Long Fiction


John Grimes falls into the clutches of terrorists. It’s going to talk all his efforts to keep his precious golden ship. (Especially as it is infected with mini-Susies who were sharp-toothed, hungry and ready to eat him alive.)

4 – Matilda’s Stepchildren – Novel: August 1979; ed. Robert Hale; ISBN 0-7091-7528-0; £4.35;

pg. 208.

Tradotto in Tedesco, Giapponese e Italiano

Il Pianeta del Piacere – Urania n. 841 del 22 Giugno1980.


Il Comandante John Grimes è decaduto dal suo antico grado e deve adattarsi a missioni spaziali meno illustri, di incerta resa economica e perfino di dubbio decoro. Deve insomma sbarcare il lunario come può, su e giù per il cosmo con la sua malconcia astronave Little Sister. Lui stesso, d’altra parte, è fisicamente piuttosto giù, per via d’una brutta avventura con degli animali osceni, e la piccante Fenella Pruin non manca di rinfacciarglielo. Tutto sta adesso a vedere come se la caverà il vecchio Grimes con Fenella e altre due irrequiete figlie dello spazio, sul remoto pianeta che risponde ufficialmente al nome di New Venusberg.

John Grimes, owner of the deep space pinnace Little Sister, could not be too fussy about who he carried. Fenella Pruin, the muckraking reporter, was always going to be trouble. They need the boomerang throwing abilities of two sexy dancers from New Alice to get them out of trouble.

5 – Star Loot – Novel: September 1980; DAW Books (DAW Collectors #403); $1.75; pg. 223;

ISBN 0-87997-7528-4

Tradotto in Tedesco e Giapponese, niente Italiano.


Out of luck after a mutiny. John Grimes graduates from the operator of a space courier to the master of a fleet carrying the dreaded skull and crossbones.


6 – The Anarch Lords Novel: September 1981; DAW Books (DAW Collectors #449): $2.25;

pg. 208; ISBN 0-87997-653-5

Tradotto in Tedesco e Giapponese, niente Italiano.

Nomination per il Premio Ditmar 1982: Best Australian Long Fiction


John Grimes career as a space pirate has ended, he faces his toughest assignment yet. He has been made governor of the anarchist’ own planet. His first task is to stay alive with a whole world plotting his murder!


7 – The Last Amazon – Novel: June 1984; DAW Books (DAW Collectors #583); $2.50;

pg. 156; ISBN 0-87997-936-4

Tradotto in Tedesco e Giapponese, niente Italiano.

Nomination per il Premio Ditmar 1985: Best Australian Long Fiction


Grimes is back to Sparta and find trouble brewing. The wife of the male ruler of Sparta fancies herself a reincarnation of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons, even going so far as to import and train an all-female squad of palace guards. When her husband is kidnapped, she seizes power. It’s up to Grimes to set things right.


8 – The Wild Ones – Novel: October 1984; Void / Paul Collins Pty Ltd (Void #14); A$5.95;

pg. 205; ISBN 0-909117-19-5

Tradotto in Giapponese, niente Italiano.

Nomination per il Premio Ditmar 1985: Best Australian Long Fiction


Back on earth with Shirl and Darleen from New Alice, John Grimes is off on a new mission. Giant golden creatures and accusations of witchcraft are all part of A. Bertram Chandler’s last completed novel.


The Late Grimes

John Grimes: Rim Commodore

1 – Chance EncounterShortfiction: New Worlds Science Fiction #81, March 1959; ed. John

Carnell; Nova Publications Ltd.; prezzo 2/-; pg. 205.


The chances of finding another inhabited world are remote – of meeting another spaceship in space, with human-type occupants, even more remote. Author Chandler takes the long arm of coincidence and produces his usual first-class story, “If a coincidence can happen, it will.”


2 – Into The Alternate Universe – Novel: Ace Books (Ace Double #M-107), December 1964;

$0.45; pg. 128+128.

Tradotto in Russo e Tedesco, niente Italiano.


Rim ghosts are real! Intruders from alternate universes appearing where the fabric of space is thin. Sonya and John Grimes find themselves in an alternate universe.


3 – Contraband from OtherspaceNovel: Ace Books (Ace Double #G-609), January 1967;

$0.50; pg. 128+128.

Volume doppio, si legge capovolto; il secondo romanzo The Coils of Time è sempre di A.

Bertram Chandler ma non fa parte della saga.

Tradotto in Tedesco, Giapponese e Russo, niente Italiano


A deadly cargo that threatens to sheer through the fabric of reality, like a knife through soft butter.

Originariamente presentato in due puntate:

3/1 – Edge of Night – Serial: If, September 1966; ed. Frederik Pohl; Galaxy Publishing Corp;

$0.50; Pg. 164.


The ship appeared from another universe…and one where mankind did not rule!


3/2 – Edge of Night – Serial: If, October 1966; ed. Frederik Pohl; Galaxy Publishing Corp;

$0.50; Pg. 164.


It wasn’t their galaxy, not even their space-time – but they had to win it for Man!


4 – Grimes at Glenrowan – Shortfiction: Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, March 1978;

Ed. March-April 1978; ed. George H. Scithers; ed. George H. Scithers;

$1.25; pg. 196.

L’altro universo La rivista di Isaac Asimov n.4/racconto 4, del Dicembre 1978.


Commodore John Grimes Reminisces: Lt. Grimes, on leave from Aries on Earth, travels back in time to become entangled in the arrest & capture of Ned Kelly.


5 – Grimes and the Gaijin Daimyo – Shortfiction: Dreaming Again, August 2008; ed. Jack Dann;

Harper Voyager / Harper Collins Australia; A$39.99; pg.566;

ISBN 978-0-7322-8625-5;


Here is our one last chance to sail with Commodore John Grimes, who, while comfortably settled in the day cabin of his ship Faraway Quest, will narrate his latest dangerous adventure in time and space to you himself…


6 – Grimes and the Great Race – Shortfiction: Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, April

1980; ed. George H. Scithers; Davis Publications; $1.50;

pg. 180.

La grande corsa – La rivista di Isaac Asimov n. 11/racconto 1, del Novembre 1980.


Commodore John Grimes Reminisces: Lt. Grimes commands Adder, visits Darban and participates in a balloon race.


7 – Grimes Among the Gourmets – Shortfiction: Ron Graham Presents: Other Worlds, 1978; ed.

Paul Collins; Void Publications (Void magazine #9•10•11);

ISBN 0-909117-04-7 ; A$ ?; pg. 566.


John Grimes is reminiscing with Kitty Kelly again, and this time the conversation turns to food!


8 – Grimes and the Odd Gods – Shortfiction: The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, June

1983; ed. Edward L. Ferman; Mercury Press, Inc.; $1.75; pg. 164.


Commodore Grimes recounts his adventures with the odd Gods of a planet called Stagatha.


9 – Grimes and the Jail Birds – Shortfiction: The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May

1984; ed. Edward L. Ferman; Mercury Press, Inc.; $1.75; pg.164.


In which Commodore Grimes takes on a temporary job – shipping supplies to a prison satellite – with unusual consequences…


10 – The Gateway to Never – Novel: Ace Books (Ace Double #37062), June 1972; $0.95;

pg. 129+138.

Volume doppio, si legge capovolto. Il secondo romanzo è The Inheritors che in questa

cronistoria fa parte di ‘The Early Grimes’. Tradotto in Tedesco, Russo, Giapponese. Niente in



There was only one way to explain the strange happenings aboard the ship. Someone was a living gateway for the unknown…


11 – The Rim Gods

Novel: Ace Books (Ace Double #72400), February 1969; $0.60; pg.142+112.

Volume doppio, si legge capovolto; il secondo romanzo ‘The High Hex’ è di Laurence M.

Janifer & S. J. Treibich.

Based on notes in other editions, this is a novel, not a collection. The four parts appeared separately in If magazine (Galaxy Publishing) during 1968.

Questa è stata la prima volta che l’edizione completa in italiano è apparsa nello stesso anno dell’edizione inglese. In ambedue le edizioni il terzo e il quarto racconto sono invertiti di posizione.

In Uraniamania non vengono indicati i singoli racconti, cosa che viene evidenziata invece sul Catalogo Vegetti.

Tradotto in Inglese, Giapponese e Italiano.

Nuove vie della frontiera – Urania n. 527 del Novembre 1969; Le vie della frontiera – Urania Biblioteca n. 4 del Settembre 1979.


Gods! Dragons! Fairies! Frog Princess! Knights! and much more. John Grimes faces them all.

Le vie della frontiera sono quasi infinite e quasi infiniti sono i compiti del Corpo di Sorveglianza Spaziale. Ma fortunatamente per noi, e per gli abitanti dei confini dalia Galassia, il Comandante John Grimes è sempre all’erta. Da quando lo incontrammo per la prima volta (Urania 499) a bordo del mercantile interstellare Delta Orionis, Grimes ne ha fatta di strada. Oggi il suo nome è celebre da Grollor a Stree, da Waverley a Port Forlorn. E il suo sogno segreto sarebbe di tornarsene a casa. Ma le vie del ritorno sono le più difficili, quando c’è tutta la frontiera Galattica da sorvegliare.

Queste sono le prime pubblicazioni su: If ; ed. Frederik Pohl; Galaxy Publishing Corp; New York:

$0.60; pg. 164.

11/1 – The Rim Gods – Shortfiction: April 1968.

Gli Dei della frontiera


They were religious zealots, seeking God at the edge of space – and they found him!


11/2 – The Bird-Brained Navigator – Shortfiction: June 1968.

Il Navigatore dalla testa d’uccello.


The ship was falling to pieces. Grimes could redeem it – but only at the cost of his own life!


11/3 – Last Dreamer

– Shortfiction;: August 1968.

L’ultimo sognatore.


Far and fey, at the star-spent Rim,
Where Lore and Laws alike grow Dim,
From timeless sleep in spaceless lair,
They sought to wake the princess fair


11/4 – The Tin Fishes – Shortfiction: December 1968

I Siluri


Across hundreds of light years he raced – to keep a rendezvous at the bottom of a deadly alien sea!


12 – Alternate Orbits – Collection: May 1971; aka: The Commodore at Sea (1979); Ace

Books (Ace Double #13783); $0.60; pg. 117+136.

Il secondo romanzo è The Dark Dimension (vedi numero 13).

Tradotto in Tedesco, Giapponese e Russo.


I racconti contenuti apparsi per la prima volta su:

12/1 – Hall of FameShortfiction: aka: The Kinsolving’s Planet Irregulars (1969); Galaxy

Magazine, July 1969; ed. Ejler Jakobsson; Universal Publishing &

Distributing Corporation; $0.60; pg. 164.

Nomination 1970 Ditmar for Best Australian Long Fiction.


Life is real and life is earnest. If it isn’t, there’s the devil to pay here and then or there and now.

Kinsolving’s Planet on the rim of space where the fabric of time and is stretched almost to bursting. Should John Grimes be surprised to meet…Sherlock Holmes? Lady Chatterly? Tarzan and Jane? A. Bertram Chandler??

The captain of a spaceship finds himself on a planet where the mysterious powers have the ability to manifest worlds of the imagination; first he finds himself among famous literary characters, only to wind up next on a steam freighter off Australia discussing matters with the captain, who happens to be the author of this book and the associated series.


 12/2 – The Sister Ships – Shortfiction: Aka: Sister Ships (1971); Galaxy Magazine,

September/October 1971 ed. Ejler Jakobsson; UPD Publishing

Corporation; $0.75; pg. 180.


The spacer may love his ship – but never understand her. That’s a job for his wife…


12/3 – The Man Who Sailed the Sky – Shortfiction: prima pubblicazione in questa Collection.

It was fortunate, Sonya always said, that the Federation Survey Service’s Star Pioneer dropped down to Port Stellar, on Aquarius, when she did. Had not transport back to the Rim Worlds, although it was by a roundabout route, become available it is quite possible that her husband would have become a naturalized Aquarian citizen. Seafaring is no more (and no less) a religion than spacefaring; be that as it may, John Grimes, Master Astronaut, Commodore of the Rim Confederacy’s Naval Reserve, Honorary Admiral of the Ausiphalian Navy and, lately, Master Mariner, was exhibiting all the zeal of the new convert. For some months he had sailed in command of an Aquarian merchantman and, although his real job was to find out the cause of the rapidly increasing number of marine casualties, he had made it plain that insofar as his own ship was concerned he was no mere figurehead. Although (or because) only at sea a dog watch, he was taking great pride in his navigation, his seamanship, his pilotage and his ship handling…


12/4 – The Rub – Shortfiction: Galaxy Magazine, April 1970; ed. Ejler Jakobsson; Universal

Publishing & Distributing Corporation; $0.60; pg. 164.


Can anything be more terrifying than realizing your dreams?


12/5 – The Dutchman – Shortfiction: Galaxy Magazine, November/December 1972; ed. Ejler

Jakobsson; UPD Publishing Corporation; $0.75; pg. 180.


Free as the photon gales Grimes was still haunted by his Genetic heritage!


12/6 – The Last Hunt Shortfiction: Galaxy Magazine, March/April 1973; ed. Ejler Jakobsson;

UPD Publishing Corporation #14155; $0.75; pg. 180.


No man who remained as God had made could kill the White Whale of the Rim Worlds!


12/7 – On the Account – Shortfiction: Galaxy, May/June 1973; ed. Ejler Jakobsson;

UPD Publishing Corporation; $0.75; pg. 180.


If you want to catch lightspeed, try standing just before it!


12/8 – Rim Change – Shortfiction: Galaxy, August 1975; ed. James Baen; UPD Publishing

Corporation; $0.79; pg. 164.


Far out on the edge of the Galaxy, the Rim Worlds lie clustered in their isolation. They are all lonely worlds, and cold. One in particular is frightful – and here more than anywhere the employees of the Dog Star Line should get Siriurs


12/9    Doggy In The Window – Shortfiction: Amazing Stories, November 1978; ed. Ted White;

Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc; $1.25; pg. 134.


Kinsolving’s Planet was like no other planet – anywhere..


13 – The Dark Dimensions – Novel: Ace Books (Ace Double #13783), May 1971; $0.75; pg.


Il secondo romanzo è Alternate Orbits (vedi numero 12).

Tradotto in Tedesco, Giapponese e Svedese.


Strange things happen near the Rim of Space. John Grimes meets John Grimes in a tale from the outside of time and space.


14 – The Way BackNovel: February 1976; Robert Hale (Hale SF); ISBN 0-7091-5278-7; £2.90;

Pg. 149.

Tradotto in Francese e Tedesco.


Lost in space and lost in time. John Grimes has to locate Earth, the launching place of all humanity. But Earth turned out to be legend, myth and faith. Grimes’ crew enacts roles already fabled before they were born.


Ferdinando Temporin

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